Posts Tagged ‘hoggitandhoof’

Wagyu Beef at Hoggit and Hoof

April 28, 2011

Hoggit and Hoof
17 Market Place
RG14 5AA
01635 550770

I’ve eaten only 2 steaks in the past 6 months. The one I’m going tell you about and one before that. Both were at Hoggit and Hoof. One is worthy of a post, the other is not. You’ll find it hard to read about that one. This one was only 1/4 of a steak. We shared it…
So, eating here the first time around was an enjoyable affair but I had a fair amount on at the time and didn’t feel like a post. In summary, first time around it went something like filletblue/peppersauce/onionrings/notbad.
BUT on the way out someone noticed they do WAGYU BEEF.
Seeing as a whole genetic spin off of cattle seem to have their minds solely intent on producing a beautifully marbled cut of beef for our enjoyment, not getting on this might count as a waste.
It’s a tough life.

This time around was more like orderwhatyoulike…we’llgetonewagyutoshare…(between four…)
Again I took a blue Fillet (is there another cut to be had?) To be honest it was gritty.
I don’t mean a Marion Robert Morrison challenge. I mean there was grit in it. Let’s not talk about that.
The Wagyu was superb. Tender, flavoursome, moist and everything you hope for when you’re not sure how much better something else could be.

All in all HAH is a decent restaurant. I’d go as far as to recommend it.
Hats off to Owner James Allen, Head Chef Graeme Forrest and Owner / Meat Supplier Nick Vine – the staff are attentive, the Chefs obviously care and all around me were certainly enjoying proceedings.
I’m just saying that this one customer got grit in his Fillet but that the Wagyu was f@#*ing great.